Career Discovery in Architecture

Geared toward those who are considering architecture, participants not only learn architectural history but also the skills and responsibilities required in contemporary architecture practice June 2024

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During the 13-day program, students participate in design studios, architecture seminars and field trips to see good architecture first hand. Led by Notre Dame architecture professors and advanced students, participants have an opportunity to experience student life at Notre Dame. Participants live in dorms, eat in the dining hall and play on the quads. The program is structured with social and athletic activities in order for participants to get the most from their Notre Dame experience.

Career Discovery is intended to help participants decide whether or not they want to pursue architecture in college, and, if so, how they should prepare during their junior and senior years of high school. If they come committed to the field, Career Discovery will introduce them to studying architecture at the college level, giving them a jump start over those entering the major their freshman year of college. June 2024

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