IUPUI High School Math Contest: Solve math problems to win a scholarship and prize money
The IUPUI High School Math contest is open to all Indiana high school students (grades 9–12). This contest is an opportunity for teachers to supplement their lesson plans and provide students with creative and competitive outlets. Students study patterns, analyze relationships, draft and refine their solutions, and submit their work. Solve 1! Solve some! Solve all!
Prizes are:
First place (one winner): $300 and a full four-year academic tuition scholarship
Second Place (up to five winners): $150 and a $2,500 per year scholarship for four years*
Third Place: (up to ten winners): $100 and a $2,500 per year scholarship for four years*
This scholarship is awarded to those who are directly admitted to the School of Science at IUPUI with a full-time status. This is a renewable scholarship for students with satisfactory academic performance.
Summer courses are not covered by this scholarship.
This scholarship cannot be combined with the Dean of Science scholarships.
Exp: 12222021
Be sure to tell us your reasoning and cite sources.
Important Dates:
The competition opens on Jan 2024.
Submission Deadline: March 18th
Awards Ceremony: April 12th
Speaker: Dr. Tatyana Sorokina
Awards Ceremony TBD
2022 Winners:
How the contest works
Questions are meant to be difficult, often requiring several attempts. However, they can be solved using high school math problem solving skills. Each year, there is also an essay question on contest’s theme.
Students do not need to complete every question to compete. In fact, two or three elegant solutions often results in a winning entry.
Students work on the questions independently (for individual competition) and in groups (for team competition). IUPUI faculty and graduate students volunteer over 20 hours to judge all entries based on the following criteria:
A student's method of finding the solution
Correctness of solution
Elegance of solution.
Winners and participants are invited to campus for the award ceremony on April 12th.
Click below for more information.