High school students will experience a variety of design fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. Attendees will work closely with both faculty and current college students, who take an active role in the learning process and engage individual students to teach the basics of structural and environmental design. Design projects will test the participants' creative problem-solving skills.

Program dates: July 2024

Exp: 05131972

Circular staircase

Each day is different. Students might be in a studio, they might be on a site visit, maybe they are sketching on campus, or working on a project. Students will spend most of their time in the studio learning design. Design principles are not a set series of facts and figures, and discussions could and should take off in a multitude of directions. You will work, you will explore, you will have fun too.

2-week residential workshop

  • Dates: July 9-21, 2023

  • Cost: $1500

  • For high school juniors & seniors

  • Location

    • Ball State Campus, Muncie, IN


The academy is open to high school students of all backgrounds and professional interests.

  • Three credit hours of a program elective course will be waived, if the student decides to enroll at Ball State for their undergraduate degree

  • Many design-based college programs request the submission of a graphic portfolio. This workshop will provide projects for participants to include in their application portfolios.

  • Participants will gain knowledge of the design thinking process used in the professions of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning.

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Ball State University Design Works Academy

The Designworks Summer Workshop is an opportunity to experience Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning. Over the course of two weeks, high school students will be exposed to a variety of design fields such as architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Attendees will work closely with both faculty and current college students, who take an active role in the learning process and engage individual students to teach the basics of structural and environmental design. During this two-week workshop, students will be tasked with a variety of design scenarios that test their creative problem-solving abilities. By the end of the course, they will have learned essential skills required for 2D drawing, 3D model building, and presenting concepts to clients. This workshop is meant to emulate the design studio experience and may be more rigorous than the average high school student might expect. However, the studio environment is both social and educational, and students will grow closer to their peers by overcoming design problems together. This course also includes multiple field trips throughout the workshop which showcase the ideas and principles of design that students are learning in the classroom, providing tangible references to draw from in the future. Although the coursework will keep you busy, there will still be time to relax and have fun. Students will stay in the on-campus dorms overnight (supervised by teaching assistants) and can socialize after class, providing a genuine college experience.


Youth Interior Design Forum: on campus


Youth Interior Design Forum