This program educates and trains students who want to work in pharmacy settings as technicians. Students will gain specific knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to work as a valuable clinical team member and provide safe patient care.  

A 16-week offering and an 8-week offering are available. The courses are online/asynchronous and, therefore, self-paced.

Exp: 6122024

This program educates/trains students who want to work in pharmacy settings as technicians. Students will gain specific knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to work as a valuable clinical team member and provide safe patient care

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the role of a licensed pharmacy technician.

  • Learn about the top 200 drugs and 15 common dietary supplements.

  • Distinguish federal requirements for prescription processing, handling and disposal of medications.

  • Demonstrate patient safety procedures and quality assurance strategies. • Evaluate situations and issues that require pharmacist intervention.

  • Demonstrate procedures to compound nonsterile products.

  • Describe procedures for credit return, return to stock, and reverse distribution.

The courses are online/asynchronous and, therefore, self-paced. Once registered for the course, a student is able to work through the modules at an individual pace throughout the 16-week or 8-week time frame.

Successful completion of this course provides the student with everything needed to prepare for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s (PTCB) certification exam (PTCE – Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam) to become a certified pharmacy technician which is applicable within any state in the US. PTCB, formed by a collaboration of pharmacy societies and associations across the United States, became the first certification organization for pharmacy technicians, although there are currently two organizations providing certification: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and National Health career Association (NHA).

Both organizations require a high school diploma and a passing score on their certification exam. Additionally, both organizations have set out to advance medication safety by certifying technicians who are qualified to support pharmacists and patient care teams in all practice settings – which students who successfully complete either of these programs will be ready to pursue.

A 16-week offering and an 8-week offering are available. The course content is the same for the two offerings; the only distinctions lie in the program duration and the weekly time expectations: • For the 8-week course, the student is expected to complete the program within 8 weeks with a time commitment of 15-20 hours per week. • For the 16-week course, the student is expected to complete the program within 16 weeks with a time commitment of 8-10 hours per week.

Learn how to get started by clicking below:

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